Where Sports & Physical Therapy Advances From Process-Driven To Instant Results



Insights On How We Can Take You To The Next Level

“I help athletes reduce risk for serious injuries, so they can better understand their movement profile and improve their self-care.”

My Patented Dry Needling Method was developed and has been practiced with optimum results for over twelve years.

I believe that the imbalance of nervous system output alters movement patterns and causes pain patterns and my approach to the pain is what sets me apart. My top-rated dry needling is a patented method that has helped hundreds of patients restore normal movement, relieving pain, and reducing the risk of further tissue damage. 

“Many patients will  ignore pain from a tweak or strain thinking it will pass. Ignoring the pain for any length of time will cause weakness and loss of motion and leads to extended periods of pain, additional injury, decreased endurance which can then lead to even more future injury.”

Hyper sensitive regions anywhere in the body can affect a wide number of physiological systems and structures. When your muscles constrict and become tight, your mobility of the affected area becomes restricted, and any movements you make can result in pain. Point Reset is the most effective method of getting rid of tight, painful or hypersensitive muscles and increasing movement patterns. 

My goal is to teach every athlete to increase awareness of their own movement profile, and with this knowledge, proceed in their sport with more effective practices for injury prevention, physical capacity and overall function.

Q: “What does a Point Reset treatment feel like?”

A: “You notice, but don’t really feel the point go in at all. Then there’s an instant spark in the muscle. It’s right at that moment that you realize something just got jumped back online — and your body starts to recognize things have changed for the better.”


Q: “Tell me about the instrument you use. What is it?”

A: “I use a thin metal filament. Traditionally referred to as a needle, I call it a point. Once inside the area of imbalance, we are able to tap into the nerves that aren’t receiving the correct communication or information. We work to reset the nerve within the muscle or soft tissue to produce the proper signal, bringing them back online. ”

Q: “How long does a normal session take?”

A: “Our first session will usually take about 60-90 minutes. It’s a longer session because we have to learn about the issues you’re experiencing and what are the movements that led to it. Follow-up therapy sessions usually take 45-60 minutes.”


Q: “Where do you perform therapy?”

A: “Many of my clients reside in, or visit, Dallas to come see me. I also travel to see many professional athletes and dancers in their cities. Therapy sessions can be done in-home, on site, backstage or even on the sidelines at a game! I have the capability to administer therapy wherever and whenever needed.”